Own A Personal20®
We Provide a Superior EMS Training Solution!
Visit www.p20method.com for licensing opportunities in the USA.

World-wide obesity has more than doubled since 1980. In 2014, 1.9 billion adults were overweight and 600 million obese.

Market Opportunity
No state in the USA has a prevalence of less than 20% obesity.

"Consumers want more and more innovative, ‘techy’, versatile, personalized and faster solutions."
Club Intel, on Health/Fitness Industry White Paper 2016
Grow revenues and penetrate market share with a Personal20® Corner in your current facility or open your own boutique space.
ADD A Personal20®
Why Personal20®? Because in this rushing world, everyone wants the benefits of exercise and a 20 minute workout is a great start.

"42% of health fitness consumers attended boutiques in 2014"
(Club Intel – Health/ Fitness Industry White Paper 2016)
With as little as 50 sq feet, you can offer a branded and chic technology zone to:
- upsell to current members before they quit because they don't have time
- reach the untapped market of consumers that will value the 20 minute proposition
A Personal20® Studio
Ideal for the entrepreneur who wants to make money while improving the health of others.
The fitness landscape has changed to one of more specialized, niche fitness workouts and a Pay-as-you-go model.
20% of the marketplace is being penetrated by Personalized fitness studios according to the 2014 Health Club Consumer Report.

Americans value health!
Their own health, that of their loved ones , more so than wealth, friends, a fine job or a great education.
Numerous good reasons to invest in the fitness industry:
- relatively resilient during economic downturns
- the industry generates attractive and above-average "free cash flow"
- bad debt experience is minimal
- working capital requirements are stable
- the industry offers a distinctive value proposition
- exhibits strong unit economics
- upside potential for nondues revenue
- *Know more from - IHRSA Health Club Business Handbook: the Ultimate InvestorAnd Operator Gudie to Gyms, Studios and FitnessCenters, by John McCarthy

Specific skills are required to operate the machine, so EMS training's can be only done in the presence of Certified Trainers.
Personal20® is powered by the best technology available – E-Fit, from Hungary.
Full Body Workout
The Electronic Muscle Stimulation device is especially developed for the whole body’s stimulating workout. The equipment comprises a special dress set together with 10 pairs of electrode cables and a modern voltage and frequency controller device.
Breathable Material
The comfortable dress is made from a breathable material, it allows a freedom in the exercise and keeps the electrode cables on the appropriate muscle group perfectly.
Only 20 Minutes
The same effect can be achieved within a 20 minute Electro Fitness training as in a 90 minute regular or aerobic training.
Qualified PT
The E-Fit device for commercial use by trained and qualified Personal Trainers with microprocessor-controlled pre-installed and fully configurable workout programs. The 12-channel output allows the device a more continuous electrode distribution.


Marisa Ribeiro, investors of a Personal20® Vila Real corner, Portugal
We chose to acquire the Personal 20 franchise because of the trust and professionalism that those responsible have shown us through the days. We believe that it is a revolutionary and innovative concept for the field of Fitness, which enhances the results that our clients seek in a training program. Through these almost two years, we realized that it was a winning bet. The combination of constant support and training by the franchisor is the right formula for the success we have achieved in our business.

Andreia Sequeira, Investor of a Personal20® Corner Lisbon, Portugal
We have seen value added to improve our service/offer, to help the customers we already had achieve better results and an opportunity to increase profitability and gain new customers. It was a great challenge considering that in 2016, you still heard very little about electrical stimulation and considering we were the very first in the Portuguese network. We are very satisfied with our evolution / growth.